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The Week That Wasn't: Synthetic Blood, Superbug Machine, Breastfeeding Allergies
Three medical stories that we didn't cover, explained.
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
Long-term Antibiotics Ease Symptoms of Genetic Lung Disorder
Azithromycin improves symptoms for patients with primary ciliary dyskinesia, but researchers caution that vigilance must be maintained to prevent antibiotic resistance.
Medscape Medical News
Medscape Medical News
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
'Landmark' Trial in Prostate Cancer With Mutations
Patients with metastatic prostate cancer carrying gene alterations show benefit from treatment with the PARP inhibitor olaparib in a 'landmark' trial.
Medscape Medical News
Medscape Medical News
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
Brain Age Gap a Novel, Reliable Marker for Dementia Risk?
The gap between brain age, as estimated with MRI, and chronologic age may serve as a biomarker for dementia risk.
Medscape Medical News
Medscape Medical News
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
5-Year Survival High for HIV+ to HIV+ Kidney Transplant
Study following kidney transplants from donors with HIV infection in South Africa to HIV positive recipients shows high rates of 5-year overall and graft survival.
Medscape Medical News
Medscape Medical News
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
Aquaporins in Melanocytic and Nonmelanocytic Skin Tumors
This study investigated the role of aquaporin 1 and aquaporin 3 in the pathobiology of skin cancers. Might they have potential use as specific therapeutic and diagnostic targets?
American Journal of Clinical Pathology
American Journal of Clinical Pathology
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
Similar Benefits for Thrombectomy, Medical Management, in Mild Stroke
New analyses show no compelling evidence supporting either mechanical thrombectomy or medical management over the other for the treatment of mild stroke, setting the stage for a randomized trial.
Medscape Medical News
Medscape Medical News
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
'Unprecedented' Results in Biliary Tract Cancer
Experts were impressed with results from a phase 3 study of a targeted agent in a subgroup of patients with cholangiocarcinoma with genetic mutations.
Medscape Medical News
Medscape Medical News
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
Income Drop Hard on the Wallet and the Brain
Young adults who experience a drop in income experience poorer cognitive performance and exhibit lower brain volume on imaging in midlife, results of a large exploratory study showed.
Medscape Medical News
Medscape Medical News
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
PRIORITY: Urine Test Spots Future Kidney Disease in Diabetes
Proteomic test identified patients with diabetes at high risk of kidney disease before they had detectable microalbuminuria. However, spironolactone did not mitigate the risk.
Medscape Medical News
Medscape Medical News
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
'Chemical Burns' Seen as Possible Cause of Vaping Lung Damage
The recent surge of lung injuries among users of e-cigarette products appears to be caused by chemical toxicity and not from the accumulation of lipids in the lungs, researchers say.
Medscape Medical News
Medscape Medical News
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
FDA Clears Architect Stat High-Sensitivity Troponin Test for MI
Abbott's Architect Stat troponin-I assay can identify myocardial infarction several hours sooner than standard troponin tests and improve diagnosis in women, the company says.
FDA Approvals
FDA Approvals
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
BPA Exposure in Pregnancy Can Affect Lung Health of Children
Children of women exposed to endocrine disruptors during pregnancy can suffer respiratory effects years later, adding to existing concerns about health risks related to bisphenol A (BPA).
Medscape Medical News
Medscape Medical News
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
Yips May Affect More Athletes Than Previously Recognized
Yips, a focal task-specific dystonia, may be more prevalent among golfers than has previously been thought, a Dutch study has found. It affects athletes in other sports and activities as well.
Medscape Medical News
Medscape Medical News
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
A1c Swings Tied to More Diabetes Complications Long Term
"We use the newer A1c variability score, and [we] followed a lifetime trajectory from new diagnosis [of type 2 diabetes] to the [adverse] event," says the senior author in explaining the research.
Medscape Medical News
Medscape Medical News
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
The Eye in Dengue, an Aspect of Dengue Expanded Syndrome
This case report brings attention to the potential of eye involvement in dengue viral infection.
Journal of Medical Case Reports
Journal of Medical Case Reports
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
NASH and Risk of Advanced Colorectal Neoplasm
This study indicates that the histological severity of NAFLD is strongly associated with advanced colorectal neoplasm.
Liver International
Liver International
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
When Should Tumor Genomic Profiling Prompt Germline Testing?
These 5 steps will help clinicians determine whether patients with a pathogenic variant in a cancer susceptibility gene should be referred for germline testing.
Journal of Oncology Practice
Journal of Oncology Practice
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
Could 'Liquid Biopsy' Detect Vascular Complications in Diabetes?
Using an experimental assay to analyze just a few drops of blood appears to be predictive of vascular complications in diabetes; validation studies are next and a clinical trial is planned.
Medscape Medical News
Medscape Medical News
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
Idarucizumab Reverses Dabigatran Regardless of Renal Function
In a RE-VERSE AD subgroup analysis, idarucizumab reversed the effects of dabigatran in more than 98% of patients, regardless of renal function.
Medscape Medical News
Medscape Medical News
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio