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The Week That Wasn't: Anti-Cancer Yogurt, Facebook Healthcare, Schizophrenia
Three medical stories that we didn't cover, explained.
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
IOM Suspends Some Ebola Screening After 3 Aid Workers Killed in South Sudan
Reuters Health Information
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
Genetics and Awareness With Recall Under Anesthesia
Are certain patients genetically predisposed to awareness with recall while under anesthesia?
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
Intrathecal Trials of AVXS-101 (Zolgensma) in SMA Halted
The partial hold on trials of intrathecal administration stem from safety concerns in animals and does not affect Zolgensma intravenous infusion, which is already approved for spinal muscular atrophy.
Medscape Medical News
Medscape Medical News
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
Lab Worker Infected With Smallpox-Related Virus
The 26-year-old was injecting a mouse with the vaccina virus (VACV) when the needle pricked her finger. It swelled and turned black, but after getting treatment, she recovered. The CDC was contacted.
WebMD Health News
WebMD Health News
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
Raw Materials Lab Support
Adecco - Segrate, Milano - precisamente nel laboratorio chimico dedicato al campionamento ed analisi su materie prime... laboratorio (es.: HPLC, GC, /KF, etc) secondo procedure in vigore ed applicando i relativi metodi...
Categorie: Offerte di lavoro
Cesvip Lombardia - Mornico al Serio, Bergamo - Biotecnologie/Biologia/Chimica/Tecnico di laboratorio biomedico oppure in possesso di corso post... direttamente al Responsabile assicurazione qualità e verrà inserita all'interno del laboratorio...
Categorie: Offerte di lavoro
Aspirin May Decrease Intracranial Aneurysm Growth
The benefits of low-dose aspirin for patients with CVD are well established. A retrospective review suggests it may also decrease the growth rate of brain aneurysms.
Medscape Medical News
Medscape Medical News
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
Fecal Transplant Transmits Fatal Drug-Resistant E coli Infection
Fecal microbiota transplant seeded resistant E coli bacteremia in two patients, one of whom died, researchers report.
Medscape Medical News
Medscape Medical News
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
Bedtime Dosing of Hypertension Meds Reduces CV Events
A large randomized study has shown a sizable reduction in events in patients taking blood pressure lowering medication at night rather than in the morning.
Medscape Medical News
Medscape Medical News
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
Prevent Stroke to Prevent Dementia?
Stroke experts from around the world presented findings linking stroke to later dementia, and advocated approaches to prevent stroke and thus limit dementia.
Medscape Medical News
Medscape Medical News
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
chimico, biologo Lucca - 1 posto
ESTAR - Lucca - , per la copertura di un posto di dirigente biologo, chimico o medico, disciplina di patologia clinica..., a tempo determinato e con rapporto esclusivo, per la direzione dell'U.O.C. laboratorio di...
Categorie: Offerte di lavoro
Tecnico area sanitaria
Ali - Bagni Di Lucca, Lucca - o Tecnico di Laboratorio Biomedico o Chimico. - Conoscenza delle metodiche interne per l...
Categorie: Offerte di lavoro
More Controversy Over Statins in Primary Prevention
A new analysis suggests that statin use in low-risk patients "may be an example of low value care . . . and, in some cases, represent a waste of healthcare resources," researchers say.
Medscape Medical News
Medscape Medical News
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
Intrathecal Interferon Benefits Devastating Post-Measles Syndrome
Intrathecal interferon improves several measures of neurologic disability in devastating post-measles subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, a study shows. Most of the patients had not been immunized.
Medscape Medical News
Medscape Medical News
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
From Cow Manure to Sucking Venom: Snakebite Treatment Myths
Drs Robert Glatter and Benjamin Abo discuss how to properly treat snakebites, and whether the development of a universal antivenom is possible.
Medscape Emergency Medicine
Medscape Emergency Medicine
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
Theme Park Thermal Camera Helps Spot Breast Cancer
In 2017, the FDA warned health care providers and thermography device makers not to mislead people into believing thermal imaging could take the place of a mammogram.
WebMD Health News
WebMD Health News
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
New Score Accurately Predicts Risk of Kidney Allograft Loss
A new eight-factor scoring system, iBox, accurately predicts the risk of allograft loss in patients receiving kidney transplants, according to an international study.
Reuters Health Information
Reuters Health Information
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
Characteristics, Trends of HCC in Patients Without Cirrhosis
This study aimed to describe the frequency and characteristics of non-cirrhotic hepatocellular carcinoma. What contribution does NAFLD make to the burden of non-cirrhotic HCC?
Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio
Patient-reported Outcomes in Chronic HCV vs. HBV
This study compared quality of life scores in patients with chronic hepatitis C and hepatitis B, both before treatment initiation and at the time of full HBV suppression or HCV eradication.
Liver International
Liver International
Categorie: Novità nel mondo di Medicina di Laboratorio