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Prognosis of MSI/Mismatch Repair Deficiency Colon Cancer

Pathology & Lab Medicine - Medscape - Sab, 02/11/2019 - 16:23
BRAFV600E mutation may be a poor prognostic factor for patients with microsatellite instable/deficient mismatch repair (MMR) or microsatellite stable/proficient MMR colorectal cancers.
Annals of Oncology

Patients Accept Watchful Waiting for Low-Risk Thyroid Cancer

Pathology & Lab Medicine - Medscape - Ven, 01/11/2019 - 15:23
Survey shows over half of patients with low-risk thyroid cancer in Japan chose active surveillance over immediate surgery. A similar US program reports over 70% of similar patients also opted for watchful waiting.
Medscape Medical News

FDA Watch List Adds Drugs With Anaphylaxis, Fetal Death Risk

Pathology & Lab Medicine - Medscape - Ven, 01/11/2019 - 15:23
Four dozen drugs were added to the quarterly list after the FDA identified potential signs of serious risk or received new information on a safety issue.
Medscape Medical News

'Spike' Detection Program Promising to Diagnose Epilepsy on EEG

Pathology & Lab Medicine - Medscape - Ven, 01/11/2019 - 15:23
The program, called SpikeNet, was developed by analyzing multiple expert opinions on thousands of EEG readings and shows better diagnostic accuracy than individual human experts.
Medscape Medical News

Asymptomatic Coronary Plaque Linked to White Matter Lesions

Pathology & Lab Medicine - Medscape - Ven, 01/11/2019 - 15:23
Asymptomatic individuals at risk for coronary artery disease may show increases in white matter hyperintensities, particularly in the periventricular area, new research suggests.
Medscape Medical News

CVS Pulls All 22 Ounce J&J Baby Powder From Stores

Pathology & Lab Medicine - Medscape - Ven, 01/11/2019 - 15:23
Pharmacy retailer CVS Health Corp said on Thursday it is pulling all 22 ounce bottles of Johnson & Johnson's baby powder from its stores and online to comply with the U.S. healthcare conglomerate's recall last week of a lot of 22 oz bottles due to possible asbestos contamination.
Reuters Health Information

Operatore Camera Bianca

Quanta - Milano - Quanta Spa ricerca per prestigioso laboratorio farmaceutico: 1 Operatore Camera Bianca..., anche minima, per mansione analoga nel settore biomedico-farmaceutico e/o ospedaliero Forte senso di...
Categorie: Offerte di lavoro

addetto pulizie

Orienta - Firenze - Orienta spa, ricerca per azienda cliente un addetto alle pulizie per laboratorio medico...
Categorie: Offerte di lavoro


Orienta - Fermo - ideale: é in possesso di una Laurea in Tecniche di laboratorio biomedico é residente... cliente operante nel settore dei servizi alle imprese un TECNICO BIOMEDICO per la zona delle...
Categorie: Offerte di lavoro

Operatore Camera Bianca

Quanta - Milano - Quanta Spa ricerca per prestigioso laboratorio farmaceutico: 1 Operatore Camera Bianca... pregressa, anche minima, per mansione analoga nel - settore biomedico-farmaceutico e/o ospedaliero...
Categorie: Offerte di lavoro

Infermiere strumentista

Adecco - Desenzano del Garda, Brescia - selezionata avrà la responsabilità di interfacciarsi con il personale medico per garantire... il funzionamento e l'approvvigionamento di materiale per il laboratorio di emodinamica della struttura...
Categorie: Offerte di lavoro

MRI in Early Detection of Prostate Cancer

Pathology & Lab Medicine - Medscape - Gio, 31/10/2019 - 14:23
How useful is MRI in the early detection of prostate cancer? What advantages might it offer over standard biopsy detection?
Current Opinion in Urology

Osteochondroma of the Distal Volar Thumb

Pathology & Lab Medicine - Medscape - Gio, 31/10/2019 - 14:23
A patient presents with a boney mass on her right thumb. What did radiographic imaging reveal about this mass and how was it treated?
ePlasty, Open Access Journal of Plastic Surgery

Atypical Diagnosis for Typical Lung Carcinoid

Pathology & Lab Medicine - Medscape - Gio, 31/10/2019 - 14:23
This case highlights the important role ultrasound can play in the diagnosis of lung typical carcinoid tumors.
BMC Pulmonary Medicine

The Week That Wasn't: CRISPR Prime, New Flu Drug, Calm Brain for Long Life

Pathology & Lab Medicine - Medscape - Gio, 31/10/2019 - 14:23
Three medical stories that we didn't cover, explained.

Visual Dysfunction: An Underrecognized Symptom of Parkinson's?

Pathology & Lab Medicine - Medscape - Gio, 31/10/2019 - 14:23
A large health survey has that found visual problems are more than twice as common in individuals with Parkinson's compared to the general population.
Medscape Medical News

Top 5 Patient Safety Risks in Ambulatory Care

Pathology & Lab Medicine - Medscape - Gio, 31/10/2019 - 14:23
Errors in diagnostic testing and medication, falls, privacy violations, and disruptive patients top ECRI's list of biggest patient safety concerns in outpatient care settings.
Medscape Medical News

'Intriguing Changes' in Gut Bacteria After MS Treatment

Pathology & Lab Medicine - Medscape - Gio, 31/10/2019 - 14:23
Significant changes in gut bacteria were observed in patients with multiple sclerosis within a month of treatment with ocrelizumab, a small, ongoing study reports.
Medscape Medical News

Tecnico area sanitaria

Ali - Lucca - o Tecnico di Laboratorio Biomedico o Chimico. Conoscenza delle metodiche interne per l'esecuzione...
Categorie: Offerte di lavoro

Sharing Stories Connects Clinicians to Each Other, Patients

Pathology & Lab Medicine - Medscape - Mer, 30/10/2019 - 13:23
One care team has launched Good Grief Rounds, using storytelling to debrief emotionally difficult cases, and others are using literature to foster empathy and engagement in the practice of medicine.
Medscape Medical News
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